My mind and heart have been reeling ever since that conversation with Sandy. There is such an incredible void here when it comes to women's ministry. There are resources for kids (regular sunday school classes, STM outreaches, etc), for families (family groups), for the church as a whole (navigator's 2:7 class for adults and for youth, but it's co-ed, sunday school, etc.), for the youth in general (youth group, STM outreaches, 2:7 class, etc), and for the men specifically (discipleship, men's ministry, etc.), but there is nothing just for the young women around here. There is no ministry or discipleship outreach actively seeking out these young girls. There isn't even a formal friendship outreach with them....Until I showed up....And I can't seem to get enough of them. This week I have gone to Arrayanes 3 days in a row (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday), and they will all be spending the night here on Saturday again--including Favi this time too! I have had a chance to spend some time just with Sandy this week, digging in to some of the stuff she's dealing with right now and getting to know her much better, and I'm hoping to do the same with each of them.
Please keep these girls in your fervent prayers, and me as well. I need wisdom as it's coming up on decision time about whether or not to return, and how to proceed depending on what's decided. I need wisdom in how to navigate these relationships, how to make sure that each one of them knows that I am here for them individually and equally and not just for one or two or just for the group. When you're that hungry for that kind of relationship, it's so easy to get jealous, and I've already started to see a little of that. Please pray that the Lord would protect against that kind of attack, and that I would have the wisdom to know how to proceed with each one and with them all as a group. Please pray for these girls that they would know that the Lord hears their cries--each of them individually--that he hears them and answers in tangible ways, not JUST abstract ways. They are all Christians, so pray for hope and growth and maturity and a deepened love between them and their Heavenly Husband. And please pray for their families, especially the dad of Mili and Sandy--His name is Benito, and he is not a Christian (their mother is). Please pray!
And now for some pictures from another nail painting experience this week: