Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Skinny...

Well, I leave ONE WEEK FROM TODAY! In fact, one week from right this minute, I'll be in the air between the US and Mexico! CRAZY!

This past weekend was my last real weekend in Fredericksburg. I'll be up in Stafford this Saturday night in order to be at church on Sunday, but that's it. So, last night (Monday), there was a get-together at my friend Jen's townhouse. My small group friends all came over, and we had great fun eating, laughing at the special few who got doused with water in unfortunate locations, and playing Scene It Squabble, a game I have heard so many things about but have never been fortunate enough to play with this group of folks. So, they arranged for us to play it last night. I enjoyed it! Can I just say that I LOVE my small group! I'm sad that they are no longer meeting together as such, but I'm so overjoyed that the Lord has built up those relationships and that we/they will still be hanging out as friends for much time to come!

Chip and Katy, Becky and Matt, Jen, Noelle, Bethany, and Madison!

I also got to have dinner with a very precious girlfriend of mine from work (pre-Mexico). This month actually makes it one whole year that we've been friends. We met while suffering through proposal work on our contract last year, and hit it off immediately. The Lord has just blown my socks off through knowing her. Every time we get together and talk I walk away with this incredible joy and excitement and this deeper and more profound amazement at who God is and just how amazing He is at work! Because every time we talk I'm given these massive glimpses into God actively at work, and it's always stupifying to behold! So, we had dinner last night. It was WONDERFUL! We have been missing each other and playing phone tag (or phone stalk) all summer; this was the first time we'd been successful in getting together, and we talke for about three hours. Then I had to head to Jen's for the good-bye get-together. But I got to see her again today when I went in to the office to terminate myself--aka, quite my job! HALLELUIAH! I'm so glad to be done with that STUPID BOAT! But while I was there I got to see all sorts of friends that I made while working there the last two years, and I drove away thanking the Lord for the relationships and people that He placed in my life as a result of that job. I certainly have no regrets from my time there, and I'm very thankful for it!

The rest of this week will be crazy busy: another dinner date tomorrow night in Fred before worship team practice. Friday I have a dentist appt in Fred in the morning and then will see another friend from college and meet her youngest child! Then Saturday night my family and I are having dinner in Fred (again) with a cousin and his wife, and I will then spend the night in Stafford so as to be at church bright and early. After church I'm heading straight home to continue packing and being with my family before flying out on Tuesday, Aug. 22. In the midst of all this traveling, there will be the purshasing of final needs, trial packing, figuring out what to do about the stuff that doesn't fit, lugging stuff to my grandmother's basement, final packing, final details, and finally saying goodbye to folks around here in Richmond. I'm not sure how it will all get done, but I am confident that it will, and that it will get done well.

Update on the fund-raising! PRAISE THE LORD! I'm somewhere around 75% of my goal! He has just been showering me with provision in this way. I finally let go of the reigns and it started pouring in, and even from folks who originally didn't think they'd be able to do monthly support! HOW INCREDIBLE IS OUR GOD! My funds went from 32% of my goal to 75% of my goal in TWO WEEKS! So, I am now at the "safe" point for my time in Guadalajara--meaning there will be no savings or whatnot, but at least all my bills will be paid. And if no more were to come in, I would be a little over the safe point for after my return to Cofradia! It is comforting to see on paper (and in the bank account) the provision for every need coming true! Thank you, Lord! My goal is still to reach the 100% mark. We have certainly gotten closer, but please continue to keep that in your prayers!

Folks are definitely being generous in the one-time gift department as well. I'm overwhelmed by the generosity being litterly lavished upone me! My needs are being met in ways I just didn't think possible, and so quickly too! So, thanks to all of my supporters, both monthly and one-time! You guys are amazing! I have so much to learn from you. Thank you!

Well, now I must sleep! Long week ahead!


Jody and Ruth Been said...

It's good to see the faces of those in your small group.

Of course I know Chip, but I've never met his girlfriend, so it's good to have a face with the name. :) And of course Matt and Becky!

Sounds like things are plugging along beautifully. Praise God! 75% of your goal!! Woohoo! May the Lord keep blessing you. :)

And yay for around the world.

Ams said...

That's not even all of them either! John and Gabrielle, Julia, Paul, Tina, and a couple others were missing or had not yet arrived...Chip's girlfriend has a myspace page..she's one of my friends. :) You should "meet" her..she's WAY cool!