Saturday, December 09, 2006

O Christmas tree...

Ok, the Christmas season is finally upon us, and this is definitely my favorite time of year! I love the lights and the traditions that I share with family and friends; I love the sights and sounds and smells; I love what it stands for, even more than Easter! This is so much my favorite time of year that I'll watch Christmas movies and listen to certain Christmas music throughout the year whenever the mood hits me. It used to drive my roommates crazy, but what can I say? I LOVE Christmas!

But nothing in Mexico looks, sounds, or smells anything like what I'm used to for Christmas, and I started to find myself a little bummed a few weeks ago whenever I'd look around my appartment and want to see Christmas, because I had nothing to decorate with. So, I've watched White Christmas and Holiday Inn about 2 million times over the last three weeks, and I've had Christmas music playing all day (when I'm home) to try and compensate for the inability to sit in the glow of Christmas lights and the fireplace video. You say, "why didn't you go buy Christmas stuff then?" Well, it's not that easy for me to get to town, first becuase I have to use a base truck and I need to be responsible with gas, and second because although I know how to arrive in town, I don't know where anything is once I'm there, and I'd never find my way out again! However, about a week and a half ago, Isable was heading to town, and I had several errands to run so I went with her; while there she helped me buy a Christmas tree and decorations! So, I've finally bought my first "real" fake Christmas tree! It's about 190 cm tall, and it's perfect for my appartment! Here are pics of my new stocking, the decorations I bought (complete with little pinatas!), and my tree!!

I was so excited that I decided to have a decorating party with my youth girls. So, I made plans and invited them all over last Saturday to help me decorate. Mili and Sandy spent the night after youth group on Friday, which I taught for the first time (yikes!). We completely rearranged my living room, which needed it anyway, and also made the brownies for Saturday. The girls were supposed to arrive around 11 am on Saturday, so that morning we got everything ready and I made my dad's homemade hot apple cider. It has cinnamon and cloves that cook in it on the stove, so with that smell and the smell of the Vanilla Biscotti coffee I made for our breakfast, combined with the Christmas music that was playing, I had a hard time remembering that I wasn't actually at home on Christmas morning! We ate bagles and cream cheese with our coffee, which was a first for Mili and Sandy. They loved it though; their exact words were that it was "celestial", which means "heavenly"!

Around 11, two of the five girls I'd invited arrived: Ana and Sandy Paz. We all had some cider and brownies and then got to work on the tree. As we were putting on the lights, I started sharing stories about traditions my family has surrounding decorating and Christmas morning. When I asked them about theirs, they told me they didn't have any! None of them have ever had a Christmas tree! It just isn't the culture here, at least not out in "el rancho" (the country) where life is much less Americanized. Some folks may put a few lights outside their house, many will have a nativity scene, and those who are Catholic may very well have a decorated shrine to the Virgin Mary, but that's about it for decorating. The big day for them is Christmas Eve, and they'll normally have a huge dinner or something, and if there's money for gifts and stocking stuffers, those will be available for Christmas morning, but that's about the extent of celebration. So, this tree decorating was another first-time for all of these girls, and they had such a blast with it! Now, I love decorating for Christmas and of course was completely in my element, but watching their first-time enjoyment made my enjoyment so much greater! It was truly a blessing and a blast!

These are the kinds of activities I want to have more often with the girls, so that they can be hanging out and having experiences together, making memories together, getting more comfortable with each other, so that one day they will be more comfortable going deeper in their friendshipse. Please pray that the Lord will open up more such opportunities for fellowship with these precious girls!

Anyway, a complete photo album is posted on my photosite (see personal links on the right), but here are a couple of pic just to wet your appetite!


Cheers! Hot apple cider--(L-R) Sandy Paz, Mili, and Sandy tasting it for the first time and loving it!! Daddy, your cider is a hit in Mexico!

Mili about had a heart attack over the decorations as she helped unpack them. These are some of my favorites too!

(L-R) Ana, Mili, Sandy Paz, and Sandy unpacking the decorations.

Ana and Sandy Paz putting lights on the tree.

My newly-arranged living room complete with resplendant Christmas tree! I absolutely adore this room now! I don't really put much stock in fun shuei stuff, but I think this room's got it!

1 comment:

Jody and Ruth Been said...

It looks absolutely beautiful, Amber. Great job!

Christmas in a foreign country is a different experience, isn't it? But one that is not wholly bad... I have found it to put a whole new spin on the meaning of the holiday.

Be blessed and full of the Lord!