I am pleased to announce the birth of
December 1, 2007
December 1, 2007
He's so precious, and all his aunties just love him to death!! Interesting fact: it doesn't matter if someone is your parents' cousin, friend, or really an aunt, they call everyone aunt or uncle. That makes me an auntie!!!!
Joan (pronounced with the accent on the "a"...JoAN) is a derivative of John, which means "gift from God." And that he most certainly is! Favi and her husband, Javier, have been trying for several years now to have a baby without any results. Now, they have their little gift from God. Favi says that when she realized she was pregnant, she laid down on the floor thanking the Lord for answering her prayers!
I also wanted to tell you about Lupe's baby. He was born in Guadalajara, and I didn't meet him until I returned in October, so that's why I never put an announcement up. I am pleased to introduce you to:
He is such a sweet heart. He loves to snuggle, smile, and talk! We all enjoy playing with him too!

AND....I think I posted here back in the summer that Favi's sister, Brenda, gave birth to her second child on July 2, and that it was a girl whom they named after me! That was very exciting and touching! So, I am also pleased to introduce you to:
She is a chubby, happy little thing, and all her aunties are also enjoying finally having a little girl to snuggle with and spoil! She's a total cutie and looks just like her big brother and her cousins, Joan and Angel!
So, lots of babies to make life even more fun and sweet!
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