Monday, February 27, 2006

It's time to move it, move it...

So, this was a busy weekend! We are 5 days from D-Day --> Departure Day!!! I can't believe I'm in the home stretch!

Anyway, Friday was lots of fun because I got to spend lots of time with some of my friends from small group with whom I rarely get to spend time outside of actual small group meetings. But the coolest thing about Friday happened in the morning while I was at Firestone getting my car fixed. I have built a rapport with the store and services managers, Carson and Mike (both Christians), at this particular Firestone, because they were my mechanics at a different store for several years. Therefore, because they are good and they ensure that I am treated well, I followed them to their current store. In doing so, I have had numerous opportunities to chat with the "receptionist" there. Her name is Barbara, and she is just a really neat lady! We have enjoyed chatting while I wait for maintenance or repairs to be completed. Prior to my Christmas short-term trip to Cofradia, I had shared about the trip with Barbara and Mike on several occasions, so that when I returned I took my pictures for them to see all that went on. Barbara wasn't working the first time I took the photo album, and the couple times I was up there after that, I forgot to take them with. Until Friday. I thought that would be my last visit before leaving for Mexico for three months, so I made sure to take my pictures. While talking Barbara through them, I was able to share some of the stories of how the Lord brought folks to Himself while we were there. One of those stories was about a vendor woman that my friend Elena and I met while shopping. The result was that by the dinner time she had come to know Christ, and the vehicle that Elena used to share the gospel with her was the Bridge Illustration. When I mentioned this, Barbara nodded to indicate she was following me, but didn't really have a look of understanding on her face. So, I asked her if she knew what that was or had ever heard it used. She responded in the negative, so I went on to explain to her the Bridge Illustration and then continued on with the story. It was the most naturally flowing conversation ever! But I realized later that I SHARED A MINI GOSPEL PRESENTATION WITH BARBARA!!!! Of course the time and place were not appropriate to follow through to invitation or anything like that. But I have to go back this week to get some last minute stuff done on my car, and I'm planning to find a tract with the Bridge Illustration and all the verses involved so that I can leave that with her before I go to Mexico!!! Please pray for Barbara's heart, that the Lord would be softening it and nurturing those seeds that have already been planted so that she will be receptive to Him when He knocks and invites her to let Him in--whenever that may be. Pray for her husband and 1-year-old daughter as well that the Lord would be working in them, preserving their hearts, and preparing them for relationships with Him as well!!

Anyway, that was really exciting because I've never done something like that before! And what amazed me was how easily the illustration came in words and how naturally it fit into the conversation. There was nothing awkward about it at all! Praise the Lord for how He amazing that the Christmas Mexico experience and the impending Mexico internship are meeting already to influence people here for the Kingdom! Halleluiah!

Anyway, Saturday was spent moving most of my stuff to my grandmother's basement. My room at the Dahl's is SO EMPTY. I'm using their trundle bed and I have no furniture except a chair and ottoman that came with the room and some rubbermaid 20 gallon totes that will soon be filled with clothes for storage. The next couple of days will be filled with "practice" packing and real packing for Mexico, as well as packing up what's left of what's staying, moving it to my grandmother's basement to join the rest of my stuff, and visiting around Central Virginia (Stafford, Fred, Richmond, Chesterfield) to see folks before I leave.

Saturday night was a fun time with friends as they all got together at my friend Beth's house for a little farewell-Amber-wants-to-see-you-all party. It was small, but oh so much fun! Then yesterday was my last day at church until before flying out, so at the end of the service they prayed for me and my time in Mexico, and when the service was over I got lots of hugs and individual prayers and well-wishes. It was very special. I shall miss that body of believers oh so desperately, but I am excited for the day when I will see them again in June. I'm really glad I fly back on a Saturday because that means I don't have to wait a week after returning before I can see them all again!

This too will be a busy week of preparation and good-byes. Today is the first of my last three days of work, and the week also holds my last small group for three months, as well as final coffee dates and some time with my family. In the meantime I'll be packing and reading and studying Spanish and much much more! So, please continue to pray for endurance and commitment from me, because I get tired sometimes and just want to veg, but now is not the time.

5 days and counting!!!

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