Ok, so some adventures I have had using the public transit system here in Guad!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Transportation Adventures...
Celebrations Abound!

Angeles made the cake. I don't know what kind it was, but it was DANG good!
Josue blowing out his two "candles"...they were actually matches!
The family: Romel, Jair, Angeles, and Josue

The Frey Family: Jeremiah (Jer), Kelly, Emma, and Anna Grace

The "family" outside El Tango: (L-R) Jair & me, Angeles (in her birthday finery...care of Romel), Romel & Josue, Sally (my US roomie)
Josue as cute as he can be at dinner...those sugar packets were SO entertaining..they saved the evening...YOU try eating at a nice restaurant with active 2 and 4-year-olds!
Sally and I in front of a gazebo in the plaza
Jair riding a ride

I am extremely pleased with the fireworks setting on my camera! Wow!

A watch from Sally
A vase (in Spanish = florero) from me.

The girls: Sally, Angeles, and me!
Lake Chapala....or a piece of it anyway
Yah, in Mexico, they serve fish with heads intact...I took this picture just as Romel was about to eat the eyeball you see on the right....argh!
Enjoying homemade icecream in a plaza nearby...a great end to a great day!
We finally headed home, but too late to go to church, so we ate dinner, and then decided to play more Uno…only this time I taught them Killer Uno….we have all decided we like Killer Uno better and we’re seriously addicted. We played again tonight, and I believe there are plans to play again tomorrow….so much fun!
Visiting Cofradia...

These two are of a hill between the base and Jay and Faith's house
This is of the view between Cofradia and Arrayanes...I really do enjoy the view on that drive even if the road is terrible!
Thursday night I arrived and had dinner with Jay and Faith and their kids, and then Faith took me over to the base where my apartment is. We opened it all up and made sure now strange or dangerous animals had taken up residence and then she headed back home! It was very strange to be there truly alone! Dave and Kathy are on furlough right now in
The youth counting bricks to the sound closet
Since Favi had been working with her husband all day on Friday and Saturday, I tried one last time while El Reto was finishing up in the church. Finally, she was home, and when she saw me, she screamed and came running out the door. She hugged me so hard and she started crying! Apparantly she had not realized way back when I told them I was leaving that I was also coming back and for two years! She was very glad to hear that on Saturday night, though! She wouldn’t let go of me the whole time we were walking and talking! Oh how I missed her too!!! She made me a tortilla cloth while I was gone, too! So, now I have one from her too. This one however, is an actual tortilla cloth and it is stitched rather than painted! So beautiful!
Update on the Fam...
For those of you who have been praying and asking, thank you. My family continues to “hang in there”. The last couple of months have been extremely tough in all ways: emotionally, physically, spiritually, etc. My uncle finally passed away on Friday, September 8, and the memorial service was on Sept 14. The same weekend that my uncle passed, my youngest brother was in crisis mode, and ended up in ICU for several days. However, praise the Lord, he is out of the hospital and seems to be doing ok: taking it “one day at a time”. He is talking with one of my aunts and her boyfriend about possibly moving out to

There's a second floor too, with 2 bedrooms a 2nd bath, and a little sitting room
Front L-R: Sandra (Missionary in Guad) & Alyssa (living in Tepic after school--near me!)
Back L-R: Caleb, Jen (Missionary in Guad), Josh (Photographer in Mexico), Me
Pastor Moi with Josue
Moi is my Translation teacher and pastor of La Carpa, the church I attend
Me and Erica in the kitchen at school
She is QUICKLY becoming a VERY good friend! We each finally found another as crazy as we!
The Lord has really blessed me by putting some stellar people in my life here in
Monday, September 04, 2006
Aug-Early Sept Update
Well, I´m in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico, and things are going well. Thank the Lord my trip went really smoothly, and I´m now in my second week of classes. I am living with a wonderful family and another American student from Nashville. My ¨family¨members´names are Romel and Angeles Garza and their two sons Jair (4) and Josue (2). I am really enjoying getting to know each of them. They have been such an encouragement and a blessing to both Sally and me in the last couple of weeks, and they are very easy folks to live with!
I am sorry it has taken so long to send out a decent update email, however, I´ve had issues getting into the internet cafe in order to do so. However, here I am, and here is the update!
Classes are going well, and I am beginning to slowly figure out this city'--orient myself, that is. It´s VERY large, and we use the buses, something I´m not used to, so it is taking some time for me to figure the whole thing out, but it´s all beginning to find a place in my mind, so that is good. I have been attending church at La Carpa with Romel and Angeles and their kids, and I really enjoy the services there. In fact, the pastor, Moises, is one of our teachers at language school! We also work with Awanas on Saturday mornings in Coli, on a different side of the city...some of the American Missionaries from La Carpa have started this program in Coli as an attempt to reach out to a different area. They have about 30 kids each saturday morning, and then on Wedensday nights, they have bible study for the kids AND their parents. It´s been pretty neat so far!
Between that and school and church, there´s not a whole lot of free time, but I´m enjoying every minute of all of it.
I will be visiting Cofradia this weekend, and I´m very excited to see everyone after about four months of absence! The girls right now do not know that I´m coming, so it will be fun surprising them. Faith is also going to talk to their mom to help me try and plan a pajama party without them knowing ahead of time! We have a free day at the school on Friday, so I will take a bus to Cofradia on Thursday after classes, which end at 12:30 each day, and arrive several hours later. This means that Friday I will be able to attend the new youth family group they have started up this year, as well as the youth activities on Saturday night, called El Reto. This is sort of like a combination of Survivor and Amazing Race that they have done with the youth last year and now this year. It seems to be very popular amongst the youth and effective in getting kids to attend youth events. I´m looking forward to being there this weekend and experiencing all this for myself! Please pray for a great time of visiting and catching up as well as safe travels...
Also, please keep my health in your prayers and today I have not felt well at all due to a cold starting up. The first couple of days are always the worst, with sore throat and low-grade fever and just all around feeling miserable. But the cold has been going around, so I guess it´s my turn. Please just pray for it to pass quickly and be my only health speed bump for quite some time.
I also wanted to give anupdate on my uncle. The reports I keep getting from my family go back and forth. Most of the doctors say that David is not doing well and there is nothing more they can really do for him; however, the one surgeon that has been holding out great hope this whole time is still hopeful that David can recover almost fully and wants to continue treatment. Please pray for miraculous healing in David´s brain as well as comfort, rest, peace, and wisdom for his wife (my aunt, Sharon) and his son (Michael). This has been very tough on them, obviously, and use all the support we can give them. David is still being medicated and kept in a coma. He has a catheter to try and drain fluid off his brain that continues to collect and cause increaded pressure in his skull, and there have been issues with infection and inflamation. This is still quite a rough road in the process to getting David to a stable condition. Please keep it all in your prayers. Thank you!
I wish I could post pictures, but I am not able to use internet on my own computer at this time. But I promise that as soon as I am able, I will post pictures as well.
Well, blessings to each of you and thank you for your prayers and support!
ams :)