So sorry I haven’t updated in quite a while! I have not been able to use the internet on my own computer, so it’s been a little tedious to do the whole blog thing. But I have finally found an internet café where I can use my own puter, so here goes! So, I arrived in Guadalajara on Aug. 23, and was wisked away to my new home (until October when I return to Cofradia). My new family is named Garza: Romel and Angeles, and their two sons Jair (4) and Josue (2). I also have an American roommate: Sally, from Nashville, TN. All of them are lots of fun, and we have a good time. Our most recent passion is Killer Uno! Man, watch out, cuz when the four of us get going, the going gets ROUGH! Romel and Angeles LOVED Uno before, but now that I’ve taught them Killer Uno, they tell me that Killer Uno is “la onda”, which is basically slang for “it’s the bomb diggidy!”

Romel and Angeles
(the g sounds like an h)
The House...Interior C-7 (the door on the right)
My room
I'm on the bottom and Sally is on top
The living/dining room and kitchen
There's a second floor too, with 2 bedrooms a 2nd bath, and a little sitting room Language classes began Aug 28. The school is about a half-hour drive, and almost an hour away by bus. Normally Romel drives us all in the morning—Angeles is one of our teachers—and then we take the bus home—or rather two busses! It has been quite a challenge for me to learn the bus system, but I think it’s finally starting to click! One of the girls from Cofradia is here in Guad visiting family—Mili, the youngest—and I had to meet her in order to bring her to our house to hang out, and I did it ALL BY MYSELF! This was the first time, and we did alright! There was of course adventure involved because I can’t seem to leave the house by myself without encountering adventure, but we enjoyed it anyway! I’ll write a separate blog about transportation adventures!
Anyway, Angeles is one of our teachers, and then we have Lisa, the director and our grammar teacher; Chayo, and Moi (short for Moises—Moses in Spanish) who is also the pastor of the church that we as a family attend. It is called La Carpa, which means The Tent. Chayo’s oldest daughter, Erika, also works at the school. She teaches classes to young children, when we have them (usually when there is a family attending classes), but since we have none right now, she is taking care of Lisa’s 2-year-old, Valerie, as well as Josue.

My Level 4 class
Front L-R: Sandra (Missionary in Guad) & Alyssa (living in Tepic after school--near me!)
Back L-R: Caleb, Jen (Missionary in Guad), Josh (Photographer in Mexico), Me

Pastor Moi with Josue
Moi is my Translation teacher and pastor of La Carpa, the church I attend
Me and Erica in the kitchen at school
She is QUICKLY becoming a VERY good friend! We each finally found another as crazy as we!
The Lord has really blessed me by putting some stellar people in my life here in Guadalajara! I’m enjoying their company, their laughter, their teaching, and their encouragement! This has definitely been a time of relaxing for me in many ways, and I feel as though the Lord is filling me up as well as building up a solid support system that is bigger than just Cofradia! I am so blessed!
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