Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Dry Season

Well, here in Mexico we are definitely in the middle of the dry season! No rain...for MONTHS..not a drop! It's so weird for this Virginia girl to NOT have rain in April and yet still see trees blooming. In fact, things are so dry and brown here at this time of the year that when the trees do start turning a vivid green, it is even more vivid sitting next to dried out brush! It's hot and dry and dusty, but the rains are on their way--June. It's not that far away, and that will be a new experience for me. Hot and humid at all times, but rain! I'm excited to see it for myself!Anyway, the other day Sandy and I went out on the road between Cofradia and Arrayanes so that she could take pictures of the green that is coming out right now in the midst of this dryness. I thought I would post some. Enjoy!

As you can see, the green is coming out! It's something that happens pretty suddenly: one day it's all brown as you can see close to the ground, and the next day there's a canopy of the most lucious, verdant green!!

This pic (above) doesn't show much green, but it captures a bush that is covered in white (just over their right shoulders), and the pic below this comments is a close-up of that bush. She said she didn't try to get the pic to come out this way...just shot the shot, and look what came out! Ironically, almost all of the best pics she takes have the same history: "I wasn't trying, I just took a picture!"

This is the kind of dryness that typifies the dry season!

Again, more of the green canopy!

Being in black and white, this doesn't show the green, but it's a close-up of the same boys biking it in the pic above it. It has that 1950's childhood kind of feel to it!

These were the only two blooms on the bush, and none of the other bushes around it had any blooms. The leaves on this bush crumbled in Sandy's hands, and yet somehow it had these two beautiful bright yellow blooms!

This was the last pic she took that day. This is the baseball field at the entrance to Arrayanes. If you look closely, you can see a kneeling, praying angel in the clouds there over the field. I love this pic! The angles are praying with us for this town!

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