Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Meandering Thoughts...

So the past couple of days I've been dealing with some worrying. Now I wouldn't say that I'm a worry wort, but I definitely deal with my fair share. In the past couple of days the Lord has really been convicting me of this, of how it is the absence of living in the Spirit and relying on the strength and sovereignty of God in all things.

As I was preparing Bible study for mentor-time today, I needed to find those verses in Hebrews that talk about how Christ was made in every way just like us and was tempted with every temptation that is common to man (1 Cor 10:13), and yet was without sin (Heb 2:14-18; 4:15). I started wondering if Jesus was every tempted to worry. Those verses say that He experienced every temptation that we as humans experience, but it just seems preposterous to me to think that Jesus, who was and is part of the Trinity and therefore one with God the Father and therefore is also completely omnicient knowing the end from the beginning and everything in between and how it has, is, and will continue to all play out--it seems preposterous to me to imagine HIM, already knowing it all, to be tempted to worry. Now I know that He did NOT worry, or that would have been sin, but what about that temptation.

Sadly, as I pondered that mystery I did not receive any glorious or insightful revelations to answer my deep philosophical questions of God. However, I was reminded that He indeed knows it all from before the beginning to after the end. He is familiar with it all, as I was reminded while preparing Bible study for today. He has a file for everything that I will ever encounter, and HIS SPIRIT is living inside of me! All of that is inside of me through the prsence of His Spirit...what need have I to worry?

My biggest area of worry is the lives of other people. How ironic is that! Maybe it's not. But ya know, if I can trust in the Lord for myself, then I should certainly be able to trust in Him for the well being of others, especially if they too are believers. All of that which is in me is in them as well, and He loves them no less than He loves me! If you ask me, that's cause to rejoice if ever there was one!

Thank the Lord for His wonderful care and provision and omnipotence!! Nothing surprises Him and nothing ever will! The great thing is that as I came to these conclusions, even just this morning, I continued to ponder them on my way to mentor-time with Sandy. Before we jumped into our study for another week, she shared how God had spoken to her this morning as clearly as possible without actually appearing physically before her concerning some unclear opportunity that she was facing. I was left in awe once again at how amazing our God is, because as I was praying over this stuff and offering up my worry and seeking to trust in Him once again, there He was making things extremely clear to her!! He didn't have to allow me to know about that, but He did, and the joy abounds as a result! How awesome is our God!!

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