Here is a video of the "Mucha Lucha" choreography. The youth presented it in the Sunday services as a trial run for the week's program events.
Today, we presented in Agua Aceda. There were definitely a lot of gliches in the afternoon's events, but in the end we had a really great time and the kids really connected with the youth of that village. We arrived and spread out to invite all the youth to the basketball court for the program, and then set up the equipment. However, our two speakers fried themselves while we had an upbeat CD playing as we set up and waited for kids to show up to play games for a little while before beginning. So, Steve and a couple of the guys drove back to Cofradia (a half hour drive each way..this is a Cora Indian village up in the mountains) to get different speakers and a jug of water (since we'd forgotten that the first trip to the village and it was ripping hot today!). Then during our first testimony the power went out, so the rest of the testimonies were given using a bullhorn, and one of our dramas were out since we couldn't play the music. Then as we were finishing the program, a huge storm started darkening the sky and rain started falling, so we hurried to pack it all away and get in the trucks to head back to Cofradia. But then it didn't rain, so we stuck around and the kids spent an hour or so playing with the youth of the town as they had done before the program began. It was so great to see every single one of them out there engaging with the town's youth and kids. Some were playing, and some were just sitting around talking with them. Regardless, they were getting to know them and having fun with them...the foundation of ministry! Exciting stuff. The storm passed over us but on the other side of the town from us. We however, enjoyed the double rainbow that stayed over us the entire hour of play. What a first run!
I'm excited to see how Santa Fe goes tomorrow. I'm not going to be doing very much since it's Chuy's "practice run" at being in charge before I'm not longer around to ask questions of. He's going to do great, I'm very certain! I'm also excited cuz we're going to present the Masks Drama for the first time, and it's just phenomenal! I don't know when I'll get a post up about Santa Fe since tomorrow will be a busy day of packing my stuff and getting my apartment ready to leave for two months. Then Thursday morning, Erika and I head to Guadalajara, and I fly home on Friday. But keep checking back, and I'll post as soon as I can organize my thoughts!
Mili enjoying the river that runs through the village
Before the program started, the youth had time to play with the kids and youth of the village. We carried sports balls and other games with us for this purpose.
Sandy had fun with a group of younger kids. She taught them how to shoot a basketball as well as a cool handshake!
Chuy played soccer with a group of younger boys.
The choreography was one of the first items on the program.
One of the dramas we did in this town was the Sin Chair drama. Here they are still stuck to the chair trying to free themselves from their sin. Ana (the blue shirt in the background) eventually came around and told them about Jesus and prayed with them to be free.
Pedro giving his testimony. It's so dark because a huge storm was taking over the sky. The storm passed over the other side of the village. We never saw a single drop of rain. PRAISE THE LORD!

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