Sunday, November 18, 2007

Youth-led Youth Ministry

So, Steve and Gena are in the states getting a much-deserved rest and time with their family. This means that they aren't here to lead youth meetings and worship, etc. So, who's in charge then?


Or more specifically, the student leaders (and myself as their support and resource). Last night was our weekly youth group meeting. Julio led worship, I did announcements, and the plan had already been in place for Chuy to do the study. He shared from the first chapter of
Stomping out the Darkness by Neil T. Anderson and Dave Park. He did a really great job, and everything I hear is that the small group discussions afterward went very well. I know in the one group of girls, which was led by Sandy, the girls were all very open and participatory. They were all 12-15 years old plus Mili who is 17, so it was good that they were all answering questions, etc. I was especially impressed when one of them gave a very personal admission that even though Scripture tells us we're no longer sinners (but rather saints who from time to time sin), she still feels like a sinner. Talk about honesty and vulnerability! And she's 12!! It was very encouraging to me that she felt comfortable enough to share something like that in our small group time. The Lord is working in them, that's for sure!

Julio leading worship at youth group.

Bible study time. We had almost 30 kids there that night!

Chuy leading the study from Stomping Out the Darkness.

Julio's small group praying at the end of their discussion time.

Then this afternoon, the student leaders had a planning meeting that they put together! All I did was help them set a time to start! They met here at the church and discussed the status of plans and the schedule for this week's youth rally, LIFE NIGHT. They also discussed issues pertaining to the youth gift exchange for Christmas, the youth Christmas sketch, and weekly youth group studies for the next two months (while Steve and Gena are gone).

The other issue that was discussed was the re-starting of our Navigators 2:7 discipleship course. We want to start it from the beginning for those who have never started the class before. All of our student leaders have completed this course and continued on with mentors who are either staff or church leaders, and now they themselves are leaders. We want to continue to reproduce this growth and leadership. So, the student leaders are excited about having the opportunity to participate in the teaching of this discipleship course this time around! I think it will be really cool!! So, Steve....they are all onboard!

God is just so great!

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