Thursday, May 25, 2006
I will be back in the states in 9 DAYS!!!! I almost can't believe that the time has finally come to head home again. The prospect of fund-raising is very overwhelming right now, but I know the Lord will work that out as well. Please pray for guidance in putting that together as well as safe travels and an encouraging yet wonderful time of growth and preparation while I'm home!
The girls and I have continued to have a good time getting to know each other. Recently, we took it to the next level with intentionality! A couple of weeks ago, a group from the church in Tepic came and hosted a mini-revival sort of thing on a Friday night and Saturday. There was great worship with their worship band on Friday night along with a message from their pastor, Dwight, who is the brother to Linea Hackett (her and her husband Tom founded A.M.). Then Saturday morning, Dwight had a message for the leaders in the churches, and Saturday afternoon the worship leader, Pocho, spent some time with the youth from both bands teaching them a new song and encouraging them as musicians but as faith-walkers more importantly. Then Saturday night there was another all-church meeting with worship and another message. I had the privelage of being at all the meetings and was tremendouly encouraged by everything that was shared, both in worship and in teaching!
What was especially neat for me was the opportunity to worship and learn WITH the girls. Normally they are up front worshiping becuase they are all in the band in Arrayanes. But this time they too were in the congregation receiving and partaking with the rest of us, and it was so neat to get to interact with that part of them on a more personal level. I really sensed the Lord saying that it was time to be more intentional about interacting with them in that way on a regular basis in the time we spend together during the week. So, I spoke to them about beginning to meet once a week for the purpose of sharing what we are reading in Scripture or what the Lord is teaching us as well as praying together.
We began last week. It has been incredibly neat to hear how they are learning and growing and being challenged and encouraged in the word and to pray together. What a precious thing we truly have as members of that ONE body! Three of the girls have expressed a desire to be missionaries, and all of them have family members who are not Christians. So, it has been challenging and a priveledge to encourage them that they are already missionaries because they are members of Christ's body and have the Holy Spirit, the Great Missionary, living inside of them; they have not been given a spirit of fear but of power, love, and self-control; that they have been comissioned to go into all the world preaching the gospel and making disciples and that that commission starts at home and THEN works its way outward (Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the utter parts of the world--Acts 1); that they do not need to worry about what to say but that they will know when the time comes because it will be the Spirit speaking through them--they need only obey and open their mouths and speak; that we must first nourish ourselves in Christ by getting alone with him to rest and be filled and strengthened and encouraged in his presence, and that then it is our responsibility AND our priveledge to go out and share that with others, but that joy of it is that Jesus calls us to get away alone with HIM.
The last month and a half of spending time with these girls has been such a blessing for me! I've enjoyed building these friendships and getting to know them. It certainly fills a need in my own life for fellowship, but more than anything it has been such an unbelievable priveledge to see how the Lord has encouraged them through our time together specifically. There is something different in their eyes today that was fading when I first met them. How awesome the Lord truly is and amazing are his mercies which are new every morning!
What was especially neat for me was the opportunity to worship and learn WITH the girls. Normally they are up front worshiping becuase they are all in the band in Arrayanes. But this time they too were in the congregation receiving and partaking with the rest of us, and it was so neat to get to interact with that part of them on a more personal level. I really sensed the Lord saying that it was time to be more intentional about interacting with them in that way on a regular basis in the time we spend together during the week. So, I spoke to them about beginning to meet once a week for the purpose of sharing what we are reading in Scripture or what the Lord is teaching us as well as praying together.
We began last week. It has been incredibly neat to hear how they are learning and growing and being challenged and encouraged in the word and to pray together. What a precious thing we truly have as members of that ONE body! Three of the girls have expressed a desire to be missionaries, and all of them have family members who are not Christians. So, it has been challenging and a priveledge to encourage them that they are already missionaries because they are members of Christ's body and have the Holy Spirit, the Great Missionary, living inside of them; they have not been given a spirit of fear but of power, love, and self-control; that they have been comissioned to go into all the world preaching the gospel and making disciples and that that commission starts at home and THEN works its way outward (Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the utter parts of the world--Acts 1); that they do not need to worry about what to say but that they will know when the time comes because it will be the Spirit speaking through them--they need only obey and open their mouths and speak; that we must first nourish ourselves in Christ by getting alone with him to rest and be filled and strengthened and encouraged in his presence, and that then it is our responsibility AND our priveledge to go out and share that with others, but that joy of it is that Jesus calls us to get away alone with HIM.
The last month and a half of spending time with these girls has been such a blessing for me! I've enjoyed building these friendships and getting to know them. It certainly fills a need in my own life for fellowship, but more than anything it has been such an unbelievable priveledge to see how the Lord has encouraged them through our time together specifically. There is something different in their eyes today that was fading when I first met them. How awesome the Lord truly is and amazing are his mercies which are new every morning!
Youth Worship Leadership
We took the youth to a youth event hosted by the church in Rosa Morada last weekend. They had asked our worship band to lead worship for the event. So, the Cofradia band led worship and Mili , who is the worship leader in Arrayanes, sang as well with Chupa, who leads the band in Cofradia. They did SUCH a stellar job.
The coolest thing took place at the end of the event, the speaker was "brining it home" and asked if someone could come up and play guitar just softly in the background, etc. So, Julio (guitarist in Cofradia) went up. You could see in his face that he wasn't really sure what to do, but he started playing one of the songs we had sung during worship and it was great. Well as the speaker was finishing her "bringing it home" and beginning the altar call/prayer time, Chupa led the rest of the band up there to join in with Julio. They played really well in the background, with Chupa singing softly, for 30-45 minutes. It was so neat to see that. They were just following the Spirit's leading and it was awesome!
This is something that the missionaries here have been working really hard on with these youth. The worship bands for both churches are comprised almost entirely of youth ranging in age from 14-18! The only adults are gringos who either play drums or guitar! They have been working hard to teach these youth about LEADING in worship and not just playing in a music band. Well the Lord has been working even harder, and the work that HE has done came out quite obviously last weekend. What a blessing to be there to witness it!
The coolest thing took place at the end of the event, the speaker was "brining it home" and asked if someone could come up and play guitar just softly in the background, etc. So, Julio (guitarist in Cofradia) went up. You could see in his face that he wasn't really sure what to do, but he started playing one of the songs we had sung during worship and it was great. Well as the speaker was finishing her "bringing it home" and beginning the altar call/prayer time, Chupa led the rest of the band up there to join in with Julio. They played really well in the background, with Chupa singing softly, for 30-45 minutes. It was so neat to see that. They were just following the Spirit's leading and it was awesome!
This is something that the missionaries here have been working really hard on with these youth. The worship bands for both churches are comprised almost entirely of youth ranging in age from 14-18! The only adults are gringos who either play drums or guitar! They have been working hard to teach these youth about LEADING in worship and not just playing in a music band. Well the Lord has been working even harder, and the work that HE has done came out quite obviously last weekend. What a blessing to be there to witness it!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Sunday in the Arrayanes church, Horacio preached on fear. His main text was Matthew 8:23-26 where Jesus calms the storm. Before he does so, however, he rebukes His disciples saying, "You of little faith, why are you so afraid?" He also referenced 2 Timothy 1:7: "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline."
These verses really struck me hard, because I find myself being attacked by fear daily--fear that maybe I am hearing God wrong, fear that I really don't have much to offer, fear that I'm going to mess things up or undermine progress already made here, etc. But today as I was meditating some more on these two verses, I came across a passage in Matthew 10 where Jesus sends his 12 disciples out to minister and heal and preach. He warned them that they would suffer for Him, but He encourages them by saying, "On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles. But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you" (v. 18-20). I was really encouraged by this in light of the other scriptures on fear because whether or not I am ever arrested, etc., the truth is still true for me that it is never my effort that makes the difference but the effort made by the Spirit THROUGH me. I am the vessel, but HE is the living water, the bread of life, etc.
Gollo had talked in the Cofradia church about how doubt is the absence of faith. Well, according to that passage in Matthew 8, so is fear. But the truth is that I have nothing to fear because it should never be me speaking or acting or attempting to change anything. It should always be the Spirit of my Father speaking and acting and moving through me to produce HIS change in this world. I need only to believe, to have faith in HIM, to focus on HIM. I have nothing to fear when it is only me and HIM. If anything depended on me, well we'd be in trouble, but it doesn't. And because of that I can be bold; I can walk forward in power, in love, in self-discipline, in faith. I can speak without fear because I know the Son and the Son knows the Father and reveals Him (also in Matthew).
All that to say I have been really encouraged this weekend. We had a group here Friday and Saturday from La Fuente Church in Tepic. They led us in worship, and Dwight (their pastor and brother to Linea Hacket, co-founder of Alternative Missions) preached, and Pocho (the worship leader of La Fuente and a very gifted musician) even spent some time with the youth on the two worship bands on Saturday, teaching and encouraging them. It was a wonderful time of fellowship and corporate worship and learning, etc. And then two wonderful sermons on Sunday that spoke directly to where my heart is right now. It is so wonderful to be surrounded by such an incredible family--the Body of Christ--and to be encouraged by the one who knows and loves me best! Thank you Lord!!
These verses really struck me hard, because I find myself being attacked by fear daily--fear that maybe I am hearing God wrong, fear that I really don't have much to offer, fear that I'm going to mess things up or undermine progress already made here, etc. But today as I was meditating some more on these two verses, I came across a passage in Matthew 10 where Jesus sends his 12 disciples out to minister and heal and preach. He warned them that they would suffer for Him, but He encourages them by saying, "On my account you will be brought before governors and kings as witnesses to them and to the Gentiles. But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say, for it will not be you speaking, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you" (v. 18-20). I was really encouraged by this in light of the other scriptures on fear because whether or not I am ever arrested, etc., the truth is still true for me that it is never my effort that makes the difference but the effort made by the Spirit THROUGH me. I am the vessel, but HE is the living water, the bread of life, etc.
Gollo had talked in the Cofradia church about how doubt is the absence of faith. Well, according to that passage in Matthew 8, so is fear. But the truth is that I have nothing to fear because it should never be me speaking or acting or attempting to change anything. It should always be the Spirit of my Father speaking and acting and moving through me to produce HIS change in this world. I need only to believe, to have faith in HIM, to focus on HIM. I have nothing to fear when it is only me and HIM. If anything depended on me, well we'd be in trouble, but it doesn't. And because of that I can be bold; I can walk forward in power, in love, in self-discipline, in faith. I can speak without fear because I know the Son and the Son knows the Father and reveals Him (also in Matthew).
All that to say I have been really encouraged this weekend. We had a group here Friday and Saturday from La Fuente Church in Tepic. They led us in worship, and Dwight (their pastor and brother to Linea Hacket, co-founder of Alternative Missions) preached, and Pocho (the worship leader of La Fuente and a very gifted musician) even spent some time with the youth on the two worship bands on Saturday, teaching and encouraging them. It was a wonderful time of fellowship and corporate worship and learning, etc. And then two wonderful sermons on Sunday that spoke directly to where my heart is right now. It is so wonderful to be surrounded by such an incredible family--the Body of Christ--and to be encouraged by the one who knows and loves me best! Thank you Lord!!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Faith and I took some of the youth to the beach on Saturday (this past one, that is). It was a good time. Mili, Sandy, and Lupe went, as well as 5 of the youth guys. The beach wasn't the nicest in the world, but it was the closest, which is why we chose to go there. At first, folks were just kind of sitting around talking, but after a little bit, everyone started taking advantage of the local and went in the water and buried each other in the sand and all that fun beach stuff. I got nicely burned on my ears and the back of my neck, but other than that I had a fine time with everyone! Here are some pics. Enjoy!
Jose Luis (aka Fursio) buried in the sand by Gollo's sons Julio (left) and Gollito (right)--Gollo is our pastor in Cofradia
Mili, Elizabeth, Lupe, and Isaiah burying their legs in the sand. We had a good time crafting feet for them out of the sand! Miguel Angel helped--he is the younger brother of Favi and Brenda. Elizabeth and Isaiah are Faith's kids

May Update
Hello everyone!
Well, May has begun, and I'm beginning to realize how little the time is that I have left here in Mexico! Just over three weeks from now I'll be at home in Virginia with family and friends once again; I'm so excited to see everyone and to catch up on all that these three months have held, both for all of you as well as for me!
The last month has been simultaneously busy and not busy. I know that seems contradictory, but it's true! April began with a short-term team from Washington consisting of about 30 youth. They did construction work on our new church in the mornings, and in the afternoons they hosted a VBS Kids Club for 125 kids! None of us even knew there were that many kids in this area--they just seemed to come out of the woodwork. It was quite enjoyable to watch the Americans getting to know the Mexicans and the love that was poured out during that time! I have also continued to help Dave Elias, our base director, with administrative tasks, and I continue to learn more about what goes on here on a regular/daily basis.
The most significant development for me this month has been the opportunity to spend time with several girls from Arrayanes. They range in age from 16 to 23. Some are married and some are single; however, all of them love the Lord and desire to grow closer to Him and deeper in their faith-walk. I've had a wonderful time hanging out with them as a group as well as getting to spend time with each of them one-on-one. We have had two pajama parties, and lots of girl talk. Last weekend, Faith and I took a group of the youth to the beach; the girls went as well, and we enjoyed lots of fun and laughs and good talks on the beach all day.
The Lord has used the time spent with these girls to begin unveiling a vision in my heart for a ministry here in Cofradia. Therefore, the decision has been made for me to return to Mexico in August, first to Guadalajara to attend Harvest Language Center for 4 months, a language school designed specifically for missionaries to Mexico. and then back to Cofradia for at least 1 1/2 to 2 years. My goal for returning is to minister to the young ladies in this area. At this time there is no ministry geared specifically towards the young women. They have the opportunity to learn and be discipled in corporate settings (meaning co-ed youth group or family groups), but there is nothing specifically just for them, no one here with a vision to minister in ways that are specific to a woman's heart. As I've grown to know the girls in Arrayanes and seen the lack of teen female presence in the Cofradia church, this has become a desire that has grown in my heart--to return here and to minister in this way through corporate Bible study as well as individual discipleship and mentoring. The staff here have agreed that this fits well into the overall vision of our ministry base, which is to spread the gospel and make disciples, training up leaders who can then turn around and do the same in order to build and strengthen the body of Christ in this area and to spread the gospel into other towns and people groups. I'm simultaneously petrified and excited, but the Lord keeps bringing me back to Jeremiah 1:5, 7-8:
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you...Do not say, 'I am only a child.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you..."
I know that the Lord will strengthen me for the work He wants me to do, and therefore I have nothing to fear.
Since my time at home this summer will be time set aside primarily for fund-raising, I need to begin now raising support for my summer at home. I will be in the U.S. from June 3 until the end of August; language school begins Aug 28, so I will have around 2.5 months to make necessary arrangements and to raise support for my months at language school as well as for my time on staff in Cofradia. I would like to ask each of you to prayerfully consider either continuing in your financial support or partnering with me financially for the first time. I am still working on my budget for the months at language school and my time in Cofradia; however, for my time home this summer I need to raise $1700/month. My biggest need right now is for monthly supporters--those willing to support me on a monthly basis with contributions of at least $25, $50, or $100 each month. Please prayerfully consider committing to partner with me and investing in the Kingdom of God in Mexico in this way.
If you are interested in financially supporting me, whether monthly or with a one-time gift, there is a safe, secure and trouble free way of donating via automatic Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). This is a giving option where funds can be transferred from your checking, savings, or credit card electronically, and you can even set it up to deduct your contribution on a monthly basis automatically if you decide to become a monthly partner. You can also mail checks made out to "Alternative Missions, Inc." to:
Well, May has begun, and I'm beginning to realize how little the time is that I have left here in Mexico! Just over three weeks from now I'll be at home in Virginia with family and friends once again; I'm so excited to see everyone and to catch up on all that these three months have held, both for all of you as well as for me!
The last month has been simultaneously busy and not busy. I know that seems contradictory, but it's true! April began with a short-term team from Washington consisting of about 30 youth. They did construction work on our new church in the mornings, and in the afternoons they hosted a VBS Kids Club for 125 kids! None of us even knew there were that many kids in this area--they just seemed to come out of the woodwork. It was quite enjoyable to watch the Americans getting to know the Mexicans and the love that was poured out during that time! I have also continued to help Dave Elias, our base director, with administrative tasks, and I continue to learn more about what goes on here on a regular/daily basis.
The most significant development for me this month has been the opportunity to spend time with several girls from Arrayanes. They range in age from 16 to 23. Some are married and some are single; however, all of them love the Lord and desire to grow closer to Him and deeper in their faith-walk. I've had a wonderful time hanging out with them as a group as well as getting to spend time with each of them one-on-one. We have had two pajama parties, and lots of girl talk. Last weekend, Faith and I took a group of the youth to the beach; the girls went as well, and we enjoyed lots of fun and laughs and good talks on the beach all day.
The Lord has used the time spent with these girls to begin unveiling a vision in my heart for a ministry here in Cofradia. Therefore, the decision has been made for me to return to Mexico in August, first to Guadalajara to attend Harvest Language Center for 4 months, a language school designed specifically for missionaries to Mexico. and then back to Cofradia for at least 1 1/2 to 2 years. My goal for returning is to minister to the young ladies in this area. At this time there is no ministry geared specifically towards the young women. They have the opportunity to learn and be discipled in corporate settings (meaning co-ed youth group or family groups), but there is nothing specifically just for them, no one here with a vision to minister in ways that are specific to a woman's heart. As I've grown to know the girls in Arrayanes and seen the lack of teen female presence in the Cofradia church, this has become a desire that has grown in my heart--to return here and to minister in this way through corporate Bible study as well as individual discipleship and mentoring. The staff here have agreed that this fits well into the overall vision of our ministry base, which is to spread the gospel and make disciples, training up leaders who can then turn around and do the same in order to build and strengthen the body of Christ in this area and to spread the gospel into other towns and people groups. I'm simultaneously petrified and excited, but the Lord keeps bringing me back to Jeremiah 1:5, 7-8:
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you...Do not say, 'I am only a child.' You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you..."
I know that the Lord will strengthen me for the work He wants me to do, and therefore I have nothing to fear.
Since my time at home this summer will be time set aside primarily for fund-raising, I need to begin now raising support for my summer at home. I will be in the U.S. from June 3 until the end of August; language school begins Aug 28, so I will have around 2.5 months to make necessary arrangements and to raise support for my months at language school as well as for my time on staff in Cofradia. I would like to ask each of you to prayerfully consider either continuing in your financial support or partnering with me financially for the first time. I am still working on my budget for the months at language school and my time in Cofradia; however, for my time home this summer I need to raise $1700/month. My biggest need right now is for monthly supporters--those willing to support me on a monthly basis with contributions of at least $25, $50, or $100 each month. Please prayerfully consider committing to partner with me and investing in the Kingdom of God in Mexico in this way.
If you are interested in financially supporting me, whether monthly or with a one-time gift, there is a safe, secure and trouble free way of donating via automatic Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). This is a giving option where funds can be transferred from your checking, savings, or credit card electronically, and you can even set it up to deduct your contribution on a monthly basis automatically if you decide to become a monthly partner. You can also mail checks made out to "Alternative Missions, Inc." to:
Alternative Missions, Inc
P.O. Box 5835
Goodyear, AZ 85338
Goodyear, AZ 85338
Should you decide to write a check, DO NOT write anything on your check concerning how you want the money designated; this information needs to be written on a separate piece of paper and included in the envelope with the check. Regardless of which method you may choose to use, your donations are tax-deductible, and once the head office receives your donation, a receipt will be mailed to you. I do ask, should you decide to partner with me in this way, that you please simply email me and let me know so that I may keep track of that and be sure to thank you appropriately and keep you updated on all that you are helping to do here. 
Your continued prayer support is invaluable to me. I covet your prayers daily, and I'm trusting that the Lord is continuing to bless each and every one of you. I have enjoyed hearing stories from some of you about how life is going in the states and how your families are doing and growing. What a joy to be able to continue to share in your lives even from such a great distance! How truly amazing it is to be part of the Family of God, knit together at the heart! Please keep checking my blog to find out more details about what is going on in my life and with our ministry here in Cofradia and the surrounding area. There are also pictures posted in the blog entries, and there are links to more pictures as well as to other staff who keep a blog, etc.
Thank you all once again, and I look forward to hearing from you and to seeing you all soon!!!
ams :)
PS: In case the links to Harvest Language Center, the Electronic Funds Transfer, and my blog are not functioning, their web addresses are:
Your continued prayer support is invaluable to me. I covet your prayers daily, and I'm trusting that the Lord is continuing to bless each and every one of you. I have enjoyed hearing stories from some of you about how life is going in the states and how your families are doing and growing. What a joy to be able to continue to share in your lives even from such a great distance! How truly amazing it is to be part of the Family of God, knit together at the heart! Please keep checking my blog to find out more details about what is going on in my life and with our ministry here in Cofradia and the surrounding area. There are also pictures posted in the blog entries, and there are links to more pictures as well as to other staff who keep a blog, etc.
Thank you all once again, and I look forward to hearing from you and to seeing you all soon!!!
ams :)
PS: In case the links to Harvest Language Center, the Electronic Funds Transfer, and my blog are not functioning, their web addresses are:
Monday, May 08, 2006
This week has been one of reminders.
Thank you Lord for your unceasing faithfulness to keep me growing, to keep me teachable, to keep me deeper.
reminders to be careful with my mouth, not only because of the effect that careless words can have, but also because of the responsibility that is inherent in my presence here
reminders that my justification is not man-made, not a justification that simply hides my sins, but is God-granted and actually washes my sins completly away so that I'm clothed in RIGHTEOUSNESS rather than just fig leaves
reminders that I'm to live out of an unceasing fountain of Life that is Christ and not out of the cracked and broken cisterns that I have a tendency to build for myself
reminders of the grace that He has lavishly poured out on me and how undeserving yet how unquenchably loved I truly am.
Thank you Lord for your unceasing faithfulness to keep me growing, to keep me teachable, to keep me deeper.
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