We spent a little while snacking and settling the babies before we moved into the living room for the festivities. The girls eyes just all lit up when they saw their stockings; they didn't even notice the presents under the tree. They had so much fun unpacking those stockings, and there were explanations with every little wrapped trinket. There were hair do-dads, makeup, pacifiers for the babies, lotions, lip glosses, and of course candy! It was fun.
Then came the gifts. Mily received some much-needed school supplies, but fun ones! Heather brought her a ton of fun, colored pens and pencils, a really cute pen pouch, erasers, pencil sharpener, etc. She also received my old scientific calculator and geometry set since she will need them for her upcoming math classes. Sandy received a pocket Bible like mine. From the first time she saw it when I brought it back with me, she has wanted one like it. Her study Bible, though useful, is quite bulky and heavy. With all the traveling she does now between towns (due to being a student youth leader), she wanted something easier and lighter to carry around. She's LOVING it! Favi and Lupe both received clothes for the babies that they really liked.
A couple of the girls gave us gifts as well. Heather received some really beautiful jewelry, and I received a stuff animal and a travel coffee mug! When it was all over, we popped in one of the Love Comes Softly movies and enjoyed a feel-good movie with a gospel message. It was great. Then we loaded up the truck and took the girls home. From there, Heather and I headed straight to Jan and Doug's house for the staff Christmas dinner. Everyone contributed something, and it was a feast for sure! We ate so well, and just enjoyed each other's company with no agenda's or questions about work or ministry. It was just a really nice, relaxing time of friends and family!
It was such an amazing day! But I have to admit that my favorite part was watching the girls as they opened their gifts. Sandy and Mily were close to tears with theirs, and Favi and Lupe were beaming. Heather and I had such a blast holding the babies and watching them. There really are no words to express how full-to-busting my heart was to be able to share with them some of our Christmas traditions, and even better, to give to them. We all know that Christmas isn't about receiving presents, but Christmas IS about giving. Christ gave Himself to us that first Christmas without restraint or condition. He gave up His throne to be with us and like us and to save us. If my heart was so bursting with joy at the ability to shower good gifts on my precious friends, I cannot even imagine how bursting with joy God's heart was to share His Son with us, despite the pain it would cause, simply because He is THAT good.
Merry Christmas to every one of you!!! And may you know the JOY in your hearts that is Christ our Lord!

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