Wednesday, April 19, 2006

So, last week was hard. It was so quiet after the team left, and I missed having so many people readily accesible. I found myself struggling pretty badly with missing the mental comforts of home like being able to communicate easily or knowing what's expected when I have company or knowing all the words to the praise songs so I can close my eyes during worship. However, since Sunday, the Lord has really been doing some attitude checking in my heart. I have spent some time in Haggai 1, 2 Corinthians 4-5, and Romans 12 the last few days, and it has come down to this:

Am I living a life of offering?

No, I still don't know whether or not the Lord will bring me back to Mexico, but the bigger question is whether or not I'm willing to hear and obey joyfully either way! I don't think I was aware of this until now, but I'm not sure that I have been willing thus far. Now, however, He's got my attention, so we shall see what happens. I have needed this attitude check quite badly, and it's amazing to be able to sense the difference deep down inside. Thank the Lord! So, even though I had a hard time remembering that it was Easter time this past week, the Lord has been continuing to work renewing and resurrecting work in me, and it is all the more profound in light of what we have just celebrated!

Oh, Lord, settle your purposes so deeply into the core of my being that all I can do is trust and obey with joy and with love for the house you are building in and around me!

1 comment:

Jody and Ruth Been said...

isn't it amazing how He works in us?

thanks for the updates. good to know what's going on in mexico.

happy easter, amber!