Sunday, July 16, 2006

My New Favorite Movie!

Ok, so I just got back from MY NEW FAVORITE MOVIE! No, that's not the title. It's actually called The Lake House; it's the new Sandra Bullock/Keaneu Reeves flick, and IT'S AMAZING!!! I left the theatre with that sigh of wonder and contentment that you always hope to have when you read a book or watch a movie but which often remains ellusive. No, this was perfect. The story was perfect, the ending was perfect, and I had lots of discussion points rattling around in my brain wanting to get out! Oh it was SOOOOOOOO GOOD!! I HIGHLY recommend it. I absolutely plan to buy it when it comes out on DVD, and I'm praying now that it will come with a SPANISH language track in addition to anything else, because I desperately want to show it to the girls in Mexico and have some good discussion about it and God!

But regardless, you just NEED to see this movie. I think it's on its way out of theatres right now, so go quickly if you haven't already. If you miss it, then plan to rent it. I promise you won't be sorry!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I miss you so much! I guess i'll have to see this when it comes out on DVD since it's not in the theaters here anymore. Joan saw it and said she liked it, though she found it confusing at times. Do you know if it was based on a book?