Welcome to Summer!! Well, it’s now boiling hot here in Mexico, and the rains have started and increased humidity. They tell me it will continue to get worse through August, so I’m definitely looking forward to being back in the Virginia summer weather in August where the rains actually cool things down a bit and where at it’s hottest, it’s never like this! But I am also very grateful for a chance to experience this time of year and to see Mexico in all it’s seasons. With the rains come the green-ness of life. CofradÃa is beginning to look like a tropical rain forest in places rather than a desert, and it is a welcome change! In addition, the rain keeps the dust under control for the most part, which is making breathing and cleaning a little bit easier. Thank the Lord for how he cares for and waters the earth and all that live on it!
Hustle and Bustle…
June was a very busy month for us as a ministry. We hosted two short-term teams back to back. The first was from
Ridgway, Colorado, and they were joined by 6 Mexicans who came down separately: a family of four who live in Colorado, and two Cora men who pastor their villages in the mountains. Ridgway’s outreach with the Cora people was very successful. The team spent their mornings doing construction on a new meeting area in Mojocuautla, which the town leaders have graciously given us permission to use for ministry activities (Bible studies, outreaches, etc.). In addition, they also cleaned up, painted a mural in, and stocked the library at the town’s elementary school. At the end of the
week, there was an inauguration ceremony for the new school library during which some of the American team-members spoke on abstinence, and the Cora children shared traditional dances and cultural experiences with the team. In the afternoons they visited with five families in three Cora villages: Mojocuautla (where they were also doing construction), Agua Aceda, and San Juan Corapan. The fifteen families were chosen based on their dire need, and the group had filled a backpack for each family with various necessities and clothing for each member in the family. Each backpack was “adopted” by a family in the Ridgway church and was accompanied by a picture of that family who had also committed to praying for the family that would receive their backpack. It was a very successful ministry time, and it was a special time of making contact with families in these villages that we had not previously known or ministered to. Please pray that the Lord will work in their hearts and receive a great harvest in these villages.
The Canyon Hills team came down from Washington state with a very evangelistic focus. They, too, spent their mornings working on construction, this time in the new church facility. Then in the afternoons they went to four
different towns (including a different part of CofradÃa than where the church is located) to do open air meetings that included music, dramas, puppets and other activities for kids, a gospel message, and prayer time. Some of our own local church members participated in these outreach events in other towns and tell me that it was a really neat opportunity for them as well, since they do not have as much opportunity to go and evangelize other towns around them! At the end of their time here in CofradÃa, the team put on a carnival for the local kids in CofradÃa and surrounding areas. It was a fun time with face painting, puppets, balloon animals, various games, and lots of fellowship. All in all, it was a great outreach that not only served to reach folks that we have not had much opportunity to minister to in the past, but also it provided unique opportunities for the local church members that the Lord will use to continue growing them!
Youth Leadership…
At the beginning of June, Steve, Geña, and I took four of our older youth to Mazatlan for a youth leadership retreat: Jesús Alberto, José Luis, Martin, and Sandy. Our goal is to make them student leaders this year beginning with the new generation of youth group members that will begin attending this month upon the completion of school activities and graduation to Junior High. We spent two days studying the book of Nehemiah and the leadership components and strategies that
show forth in the person of Nehemiah not only in accomplishing his goal of rebuilding the wall of Jerusalem, but also in rebuilding the people of God. We also spent time doing team-building activities in an effort to build a sense of community and unity among the four of them. At the end of the retreat, we gave them the task of putting together a one-day camp for the rising 7th graders that will be matriculating into the youth ministry this month. The purpose of this camp is to welcome them into the youth group; give them a bit of an orientation into who we are, what we do, and why we do it; and to give them the opportunity to get to know their new student leaders as well as each other as they begin to make the transition from children to youth in a new and quite different ministry environment. It was an extremely successful retreat, and the four youth leaders have taken to their planning like ducks in water! Every time they find themselves in the same room, they end up together talking and planning, whether they had planned to do so or not! They are coming up with their own ideas, recognizing problems and working them out as a team, and have put together a day camp that promises to be a very fun and interesting time! The day camp will take place on July 11 in Tepic, and we are anticipating the presence of 5-10 new youth. Please keep this event in your prayers and our student leaders as well as they continue to adjust to their new role in the group.
Mentor Gazette…
On May 25, Sandy taught the Bible study for youth group. Originally, she was thinking of teaching about the Fruit of the Spirit based on what she was learning in Beth Moore’s Living Beyond Yourself study. However, in the end she taught about the three types of man: the natural man (unsaved, dead in sin), the carnal man (saved, but living like he’s unsaved), and the spiritual man (saved and walking fruitfully in the Spirit). She taught the differences between the three and then spoke about how the difference between the carnal and spiritual man is found primarily in their spiritual diet. The spiritual man has a stead, meaty diet of the Word of God, whereas the carnal man does not. She then challenged to think about what kind of “man” they would call themselves and to take the steps necessary to become spiritual people. She challenged them saying, “Many of us have been saved for a long time and have been going to church and youth group and hearing the Truth for a long time, but we still live like we’re unsaved. It’s time for us to change that and commit ourselves to having time daily in the Word, to studying it and knowing it well, and to live what we preach.” Many of the youth were challenged by this lesson and make comments to the staff later on. It was neat to see how they responded and listed to her as she taught and how the Lord is working in them since that time.
In addition, in June Sandy and I finished the Living Beyond Yourself study. Both of us were very challenged by the study of each of the fruit of the Spirit and the challenge to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh.
She also continues to find work with the camera. She completed and was paid for her
first two “gigs”, and was asked by several families to take pictures of their children’s graduations from elementary and junior high schools. In addition, she continues to take pictures of the area in hopes that they may
find sale while I’m home in the states this fall. We finally received a book that was ordered for her, as well, so that she can learn more about what she’s doing technically and artistically, and she’s excited to dig deeper into photography and improve her skills.
She is also enjoying her new role as student leader in the youth group. I asked her recently what it is that wakes her up inside, that just sets her on fire in her heart. Her response was being involved in the church and especially what she is now doing as a student leader in the youth group. She is excited to dig in with the younger youth, to disciple, to teach, and to train in righteousness those who come up behind her. She continues to challenge herself in reading Scripture and in prayer, and as such is a constant challenge to me in my own personal devotional habits. God is certainly continuing to move and grow this amazing young lady, and we’re anxious to see where He will take her in the future!
In Conclusion…
Thank you for your prayers and your continued support. With the death of my youngest brother on June 16, in the midst of all this activity and responsibility, June has also been a difficult month. But I praise God every day for blessing me and surrounding me with such a wonderful cloud of witnesses on this earth. Your prayers have lifted up me and my family, and your generosity has overwhelmed me as it made it possible to be with my family for the week of my brother’s memorial service. What a special time that was to remember his vivacity and joy in life and to praise the Lord that he is no longer suffering but at home in complete and eternal joy and peace with the Lord. Please continue to keep me and my family in your prayers as we continue step-by-step to learn to live without Chris in our lives and yet continue to celebrate the 24 years that we were blessed to have him with us. Thank you!
I continue to anticipate my trip home in August for 8-10 weeks. I look forward to the advent of fall weather, something I missed greatly last year, as well time with my family and friends. I’m excited to get plugged back in with my church and the community of friends and spiritual family that I have in the Fredericksburg/Northern Virginia area. Please pray that I will be sensitive to how the Lord leads me to use my time to not only soak up encouragement and strength from those relationships, but also to invest all that I’m able!
In addition, please be praying that the Lord will provide the right living arrangements for me while I’m home. I’m hoping to find a place in Fredericksburg from August through October to base myself. I still plan to spend several days each week with my family and friends in Richmond, but I feel very strongly that the Lord is calling me to base myself in Fredericksburg this year. I have $100/month to offer to whomever it may be to offset costs, but I am trusting that the Lord will bring forward the right arrangements according to his perfect and pleasing will for me during that time! Thank you for partnering with me in prayer over this matter! The prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective!